Drag Bingo

One of Cam's best mates' mum, Sharon, has been going gangbusters in fundraising in Cameron's memory. Sharon and Pacific Pines Tavern have been doing all sorts of things to help raise funds and awareness of our cause, #justice4cam which is a way for us to keep Cameron's memory alive while also helping spread the message of the dangers and life changing repercussions of random violence. This event was run under the headline of "Keep the boys safe!".

For something a bit different ( a lot different) and to try and make us all smile after months of being sad and depressed, Sharon decided that a night of Drag Bingo might be the change of pace we all needed. Well, it certainly was a great night out, a good time was had by all, and I think it's safe to say it wasn't quite what most of us were expecting but we all enjoyed it all the same.

Some Videos of the Ladies